
Undangan Penyertaan Dalam Projek Penyelidikan Budaya Puak Bisaya Brunei.

Sebagai sebuah kumpulan etnik yang agak kecil di negara ini, puak Bisaya adalah merupakan salah satu diantara tujuh Puak Jati yang mendapat pengiktirafan di dalam Perlembagaan Negeri Brunei 1959. Memandangkan budaya tradisi masyarakat ini telah menghadapi berbagai perubahan dan hampir dilupakan akibat dari kemajuan hidup yang kita alami pada masa kini, terutama dari aspek sosio-budaya, ekonomi, kepercayaan dan amalannya maka saya mengundang para penulis, pencinta budaya, penyelidik dan mereka yang berminat untuk menyertai projek penyelidikan ini dan seterusnya menghantar hasil penyelidikan mereka yang berupa rencana, artikel atau essei yang nanti akan diterbitkan ke dalam sebuah buku bersama yang berjudul ‘Mengenali Budaya Brunei: Puak Bisaya”. Hasil tulisan sebaik-baiknya hendaklah dikukuhkan serta didokong dengan pengalaman peribadi penulis atau penyelidik mengenai topik yang dibincangkan. Bagi mereka yang berminat dan untuk mendapatkan keterangan lanjut bolehlah menghantar email kep

'Ya' Saya Masih Menulis...

Sudah lama juga saya tidak menghantar karya saya ke penerbitan. Teman-teman saya, jika kebetulan berjumpa, memang selalu bertanya sama ada saya masih menulis atau pun tidak. Saya jawab ‘ya’ saya masih menulis, terutama dalam genre puisi. Cuma beberapa judul puisi yang saya tulis itu masih saya simpan dan belum bersedia untuk menerbitkannya. Dulu saya memang gemar menghantar karya-karya saya sebaik sahaja siap saya tulis ke penerbitan. Saya berbuat begitu kerana berasa seronok melihat karya saya terbit dalam media cetak, sekaligus menerima royalty yang berupa wang ringgit. Waktu itu saya masih tidak mempunyai sebarang jawatan tetap, maka saya lebih banyak menulis dan menulis. Bermula dari majalah-majalah yang diterbitkan oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Brunei, karya saya juga turut terbit di akhbar rasmi kerajaan Pelita Brunei dan Media Permata terbitan Brunei Press Sendirian Berhad. Saya memang tidak mahu berfikir banyak mengenai karya-karya saya itu. Apatah lagi selama beberapa tahun t

Competition Way to Expand Malay Language Usage.

THE Language and Literature will be organising more competitions for youths in its efforts to expand the use of the Malay language as the official language of the country as stated in Brunei Constitution of 1959. Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony for the Mekar-Juara Essay Contest 2008, Dr Mataim Bakar, director of Language and Literature Bureau said the competition was one of the activities carried out by the bureau in its effort to realise the country's aspiration to preserve language sovereignty and disseminate its use by encouraging youths to write articles in Malay.  He said that youths are the main target of of the competition because hopefully they will continue to use the Malay language and proud of it. The contest, he added, is also to further enhance the youths proficiency in Malay so that it remains to be the language spoken at home and a "family" language. In doing so, he added, Bruneian will still feel they are living in this country and not in the W

Winners of Writing Contest Rewarded.

DATO Marsal Primary School and Chung Ching Primary School Seria emerged as the best participating schools in the Mekar-Juara Essay Writing Contest 2008 organised by the Brunei's Language and Literature Bureau Syasya Nursyahirah Shamsul Badri from Dato Marsal Primary School with her essay titled Pengalaman ke Pulau Pelompong emerged as the winner of category "A", for primary school, while Michelle Lau Shu Qing from Chung Ching Secondary School with her essay titled Usaha ke Arah Memupuk Budaya Membaca di Kalangan Pelajar emerged as the winner of the category "B", for secondary school. Both winners won a cash prize of $300 each and a Mekar-Juara volume during a prize awarding ceremony yesterday at Balai Sarmayuda, Language and Literature Bureau. On hand to present the prizes and certificates was Dr Mataim Bakar, Director of Language and Literature Bureau. Some 447 essays were received from 44 primary schools and about 203 essays from 21 lower secondary schools , b

Local Academic Attends Int'l Malay Language Conference.

A local academic in the Malay language and linguistics will be delivering his views on multilingual as one way to empower the regional lingua franca at the Conference of International Malay Language to be held at the Hotel Holiday Villa, Subang, Kuala Lumpur from tomorrow until November 20. Dr Yabit bin Alas, Head of Malay Language and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), will deliver his working paper entitled "Multilingual Empowers the Malay Language". Dr Yabit will also answer enquiries on his paper as well as explain the subject in detail, which will be posed by conference participants. A total of 20 working papers will be up for scrutiny at the three-day conference, 10 by language experts in Malaysia and the rest from foreign nations. Organised by the Institute of Malaysian Malay Language Teachers in Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, the conference will analyse ways to further improve the language in areas of semantic