Buku 'We've Got Blog: How Weblog Changing Our Culture' Telah Mendorongku Untuk Menulis Blog ini.

Buku 'We've Got Glog: How Weblog Are Changing Our Culture' kupesan dari Amazon.com dua minggu yang lepas. Buku ini merupakan kumpulan 34 essei yang membincangkan sejarah kepenggunaan blog, pengalaman hingga kepada pengaruh blog itu sendiri terhadap budaya masyarakat moden kita pada hari ini. Aku baru sahaja membaca beberapa judul dan rasanya buku ini memang menarik sekali bagi mereka yang ingin mengetahui tentang perkembangan blog.

Ini bukanlah pertama kali aku menulis melalui blog seperti ini. Sebelum ini aku juga memiliki sebuah laman blog yang akhirnya tidak dapat kuteruskan kerana menghadapi beberapa masalah dengannya. Akan tetapi setelah membaca buku 'We've Got Blog: How Weblog Are Changing Our Culture' minatku kembali untuk menulis melalui blog ini, dengan tujuan dan idea penulisan yang berlainan dari yang terdahulu. Aku akan terus membaca buku 'We've Got Blog: How Weblog Are Changing Our Culture' dan jika ada kesempatan aku akan kembali menyambung tulisanku ini bagi awda yang berminat mengenainya. Berikut adalah 'Editorial Reviews' dari Library Journal yang aku petik dari website Amazon.com;

A weblog, or blog, is a frequently updated online personal journal. boasting a foreword by Blood, a web consultant and creator of Rebecca's Pocket weblog, We've Got Blog is a collection of 34 essays that explore this rapidly growing trend. Contributors include such noted bloggers as Joe Clark, Cameron Barrett, and Giles Turnbull. The discussion covers the history and community of weblogs, contrasts weblogs and traditional journalism, and offers advice on starting a weblog. If you have been following weblogs for the past few years you've probably come across many of these articles online, but having them available in one collection gives them context. A glossary and good references round out this well-edited anthology. Blood's enthusiasm for the subject carries over to her own work, The Weblog Handbook, which is not the do-it-yourself technique book you might expect. Instead, Blood takes on the role of mentor; she's been there and done that and has much wisdom to share. She is eager to convert readers into bloggers and offers good advice on finding one's voice, observing etiquette, and living online. Unfortunately, a lengthy afterword that focuses on the culture of weblogs seems a better fit for We've Got Blog. Appendixes offer a brief glimpse of creating a test weblog and working with links, but this book is written for someone who has flirted with the idea of starting a weblog and feels comfortable jumping right into the format. These titles are unique, as the publishing world is just catching up to the subject of weblogs.
